Experienced Ohio Executor Lawyers

Executors and trustees hold and manage other people's money. If you are the beneficiary of a will or trust, your access to these funds is limited in a variety of ways.

A trustee is a fiduciary, meaning he or she has legal duties of loyalty and good faith, and the duty to account for funds. The trustee cannot act or withhold information arbitrarily, capriciously or in bad faith. If a trustee's actions have harmed you financially, it may be possible to make the trustee compensate you, or even to have the trustee replaced.

If you are a current beneficiary and there is also a secondary one, your interests may conflict. To protect your interests you need a Cleveland executor lawyer who knows:

  • The court system
  • The legal rights of beneficiaries
  • How a court would rule, should litigation be necessary to interpret a trust
  • Actions that can be taken to obtain information, block or reverse trustee actions, etc.

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